Professional Experience (last ones)

Since 2024
Dfakto by Growin
Senior Backend Software Engineer

Senior Backend Engineer
Backend analysis and development with the team in Porto and Lisbon, using the Azure cloud platform and MongoDB non-relational database. Code version control through Git and assigned tasks with Gitlab, as well as code review. Development of the entire backend using the .Net platform in versions 3.5 and 6, with C# and, as IDEs Visual Studio 2022 and Visual Studio Code; in addition to the use of containers in Docker. Creation of unit tests with NUnit and functional tests with the Robot Framework.

Bysoft (Wisetech Company Group)
Development and technical analysis of issues, defects, new features, and another project in CargoWise One system from the company working with the International Logistics team from
Sydney – Australia; using company tools and task control system PAVE; reporting directly to the Sydney team; using C# programming language in .Net and SQL Server database; and IDE
Visual Studio 2019 with code control version in Azure DevOps Server.